
Learn about the types of courses we offer. Every course is completely tailor-made to your specific needs.



Do you work in Upper Management? Are you a CEO? We can design a one-to-one language training course for leaders that targets your needs, schedule and location.

A great leader is a great communicator. We will help you master relevant and important business scenarios, in addition to improving your grammar, fluency and sector-related vocabulary.

  • Verbal skills: improve active listening, support arguments, refer to statistics and diagrams, handle small talk

  • Written skills: write effective and professional emails, project proposals, reports

  • Meeting skills: chair meetings, interrupt politely, build arguments

  • Intrapersonal skills: negotiate terms and conditions, politely and firmly handle a debate



To achieve international market success your company needs to stay ahead of your competitors.

This training is a good solution for you  if you want your staff to:

  • Effortlessly communicate with colleagues and customers

  •  Prepare seamless presentations, negotiations and meetings

  • Write professional-looking reports and emails 

  • Be culturally appropriate with your foreign customers

  • And so much more...

Speak to a trainer to explain your wants and needs. We will design a course not only covering the basic language, but targeting your needs within your industry. We can set up small classes with employees with the same  level of language knowledge. Furthermore, we offer online or face-to-face sessions in your company's offices. Alternatively, we can design a blended schedule to be more flexible



This one-to-one course is aimed at you who needs a 100% personalized learning programme. An experienced trainer will listen to you and assess what your needs are, resulting in specially-made sessions with only you in mind. This includes your learning style and your personality.

Do you want to improve your small talk skills or to watch your favourite TV series without subtitles? You are going on holiday and you want to understand and be understood without your partner helping you? you have trouble understanding people on the phone. You may have a presentation soon or you are planning to go on a holiday. Or perhaps you do not speak a word in this foreign language. Whatever your level is we will find a solution for you.



Are you serious about your studies and future career? Do you need a language certification to climb up the career ladder?

If you want to have the skills to work in an international environment, enhance your career prospects by having the edge over your peers or show an institution that you are serious then you are looking for a certification. Many need support to achieve the skills required for an examination, such as Linguaskill.

We will help you prepare by:

  • facing your weaknesses and enhancing your strengths

  • giving you the appropriate material to practice with

  • giving you tips and tricks to tackle every exercise



Language coaching is a natural evolution of the needs analysis. The learning sessions allow you to become fully aware of your goals and linguistic potential, which is crucial to discover new and stronger motivation

During the sessions, you and the coach put yourselves on the same level and the coach asks questions that make you an active part, pushing you to become the first person responsible for your own learning. An action plan is then written to define a precise timetable and identify the activities you need to reach your goal

Language coaching is ideal at the beginning of a course to understand what you want to achieve, how and in how many lessons. It is decisive when you fail to progress, lose motivation or have difficulties in dealing with the learning path. 

It is also useful for short projects, e.g. to prepare a presentation, an important meeting, a negotiation, etc. 

For lower level students, the sessions can be in Italian. 



Does your company have funds for financed training? You can use them with us. We collaborate with regionally accredited institutions, such as FondImpresa, FondoForte, FonDir, etc.